Sunday, June 13, 2010

"We Have a New Record For Longest Camp Tour!" Yeah... that was my guide who broke that record.

So today the counsilors from this camp AND from the North camp got here (the one from North are only here for two days). There was much merriment and tours. Though we had already done tours, I still didn't know my way around camp very well, which is why I wasn't too upset that the program leaders had to go on these tours too.

I still don't know how to get around here too easily, but holy crap I know about some pretty obscure locations. This tour went for almost 2 hours. I knew of most of the locations but it was nice to see where the fishing dock USED TO be and where you ARE NOT allowed to bring campers. Really, my life was so enriched by that.

Now this could have just bothered me because I'm cranky because I've been working and on my feel constantly for the past two days without much sleep... Well, it was probably because I'm cranky because I've been working and on my feet constantly for the past two days without much sleep... Ok, its definitely because I'm cranky because I've been working and on my feet constantly for the past two days without much sleep. What of it, punk???

So now THAT'S over. I left early so I could go meet the nurses and tell them about my "condition" (the one where I turn in to a werewolf at the full moon, as well as my hydrocephalus). I have never been happier to have a health condition in my life. There was talk of that tour group going down to the farm which is quite a hike away and all of the other groups had been done for a half hour. Bleh.

Yesterday after my post I had a few emotional moments. First was my realization that this job is going to easily be as stressful as and sometimes more stressful than any job I have ever had. That didn't bother me because i knew it would also be the most rewarding job I've ever had. What got me was looking toward those days where i wouldn't even have time to brush my teeth because I'll be running constantly and everything that can go wrong will go wrong etc. You know, those days that we all have sometimes. I thought about having a day like that and not being able to go home and hug my mom or pet my dog or hang out with either of my sisters or my nephew. Just thinking about it upset me and I got a little teary, but I won't let that ruin my experience here.

Later last night I had another emotional moment when I realized that I have never been to a place where I feel like I fit in so well. I mean I haven't made best friends for life relationships or anything, but I don't feel like an outsider here. These people actually have a lot in common with me and that's awesome!!

Well I'll leave you on that happy note. Its almost dinner and I'm HUUUUNGRAY!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that you have finally found a place you actually fit in! I'm teary just reading this! You will rock this job and I know it at the bottom of my heart!!!! Ps...I love you (there are you happy i actually said it? and you didn't even have to say it first!)
